1. Is Lute Diamonds a fully registered company with relevant registrar of companies in South Africa (CIPC)?

 Yes, it is registered with CIPC, Registration Number: 2018/310153/07 and it is a private company (Pty) Ltd.

2. Does Lute Diamonds deal in conflict diamonds in any part of the world particularly War-torn Countries in Africa?

No, it buys rough diamonds from The South African State Diamond Trader, CS Diamonds and authorised rough dealers.

3. Does Lute Diamonds subscribe or align with the principles of the Diamond Kimberley Process?

Yes, it does even declare that it is part of the process in its Tax Invoice and company processes.

4. How long has Lute Diamonds been trading in Diamonds or when was it established?

The company was established in 2006. Traded as Lute Diamonds Cc and later re-registered as Lute Diamonds (Pty) Ltd in 2018.

5. Does Lute Diamonds Certify the polished diamonds it deals with and which specific Laboratories does it use for the purpose?

It does use services of European Gemmological Laboratories (EGLSA) but does also use GIA (Gemmological Institute of America) if need arises.

6. Does Lute Diamonds participate or have CSI projects that it has sponsored or plan to participate in?

Food parcels for the poor, Youth Development Programs and funded building of a Community Church since 2007 to 2020.

7. Where does Lute Diamonds Source rough diamonds to produce polished diamonds and are those sources legal entities?

CS Diamonds and Sate Diamond Trader meant for Small and Medium Managed Enterprise development in South Africa.


8. Does Lute Diamonds intend to establish branded products that can be distinguished from the rest around the world?

LD has registered a branded polished diamond trade mark with CIPC and will soon inscribe its diamond with laser technology.


9. What is the company’s strategic advantage in the international Diamonds and Jewellery Market?

Kimberley sourced and manufactured diamonds, which is the first City of Diamond in the World.


10. When can customers design their own rings or Jewellery for manufacturing by Lute Diamonds skilled craftsmen?

LD will develop an online own ring design tool with its service provider in the medium to long term, currently accepts customer designs for manufacturing.

11. Can Lute Diamonds service offerings be purchased in US Dollar’s or any other relevant currencies?

Yes, its service provider WebMobril have been requested to develop a system to pay in ZAR and USD online.

12. What are the long-term objectives and vision of Lute Diamonds?

To be recognised as the single best producer, designer of diamond Jewellery in the Southern hemisphere.